Lord Mantis is an American sludge / black metal band featuring members of Seventh Rule labelmates Indian and avant black metallers Avichi, as well as an ex-member of Nachtmystium. The 'Mantis was formed in Chicago, Illinois in 2008 and wields a "bludgeoning sound" with "an extra layer of darkness," in the words of the UK's Rock Sound -- a sonic descent into hell, akin to Neurosis, Zeni Geva, and even Immolation. Seventh Rule released Lord Mantis' full length debut, Spawning the Nephilim, on April 28, 2009. Spawning The Nephilim was recorded and mixed by Sanford Parker (The Gates of Slumber, Lair of the Minotaur) and mastered by Collin Jordan (Ministry, Pigface).