Vincent Vallières is a French-speaking singer-songwriter. Born on August 8th, 1978, in Sherbrooke, Canada, his musical style is mainly influenced by folk-country sounds popular in Quebec by the 1990's and the 2000's.
His first album, Trente Arpents, is released in 1999, followed by Bordel Ambiant in 2001. He becomes well-known in Quebec by 2003 with the release of his third album, Chacun Dans Son Espace. On August 29, 2006, his fourth album, Le Repère Tranquille, is released. A first single, Je pars à pied, gets immediately put into the regular rotations of many radio stations across all Quebec. Many other singles from this album (Café Lézard, Un quart de piasse, Je n'attends plus rien, Le bord de l'eau) also get frequent airplay.
Vallières receives the Prix Félix-Leclerc de la chanson in 2005, and the Prix Gilles-Vigneault in 2007.
Official website: http://www.vincentvallieres.com/ .