Vera Brezhneva, born in 1982 in Dniprodzerzhynsk, is a Ukrainian pop-singer and television presenter. Vera was born in Dniprodzerzhynsk, Ukraine on February 3rd 1982. She was raised in an ordinary family. Her father, Viktor, worked in a chemical factory located by the Dnieper River. Her mother, Tamara, who had graduated from a medical school, worked in the same place.
Vera has got 3 sisters - one older (Galina) and two younger (Nastya and Vika, twins). Currently she has gained a new flat for her parents in Borispol, nearby Kiev.
The father of Vera's daughter (Sonia) is Vitaliy Voychenko, to whom Vera was married for a few years (after a civil wedding). She graduated from the Rail Engineering Instutute of Dnipropetrovsk as an economist.
It all began in 2002. She was invited to a casting organized in order to find a girl to replace Alyona Vinnitskaya and she won.
In January 2003 Nu Virgos started performing in the new configuration (Nadya, Anya and Vera) that, due to its amazing popularity, gained the name of "the golden squad". During her career in Nu Virgos Vera expericed a lot, ranging from the love of fans, blockbusters and numerous awards to marrying a businessman Michail Kiperman.
In July 2007 the blonde decided to have a break from the band, which ended in December 2007 with the official information of her leaving [1] Nu Virgos forever. Out of all Nu Virgos singers Vera stayed in the group for the longest period of time (4 years).
Vera was replaced in the group by Tatiana Kotova. The purpose of her charitable foundation is selfless help for children, i.
e. research, fund-raisers and realization of worthy social initiatives aimed at the harmonious growth of kids.
[2] Vera is the hostess of the Russian version of "Power of Ten" (In Russian: Магия 10-ти, Magic of 10) premiered on January, 7th on Channel One Russia. [3] The maximum prize is 10,000,000 rubles (approx.
$400,000). On March 10th Ildar Zhindarev answered a 1.
000. 000-ruble question correctly and decided to risk 1 million.
Having a range between 7 and 17 per cent his guess was 9%. However, the correct answer equalled 10%.
In the first round two contestants have to tell what percentage of Russians have answered a given question positively. The one whose answer is the closest gains a point.
The first contestant who collects 3 point advances to Round Two. In the second round the patricipant has to guess the range which contains the correct answer.
However, the range shrinks with every question, i. e: * 1,000 rubles - 40 per cent * 10,000 rubles - 30 per cent * 100,000 rubles - 20 per cent * 1,000,000 rubles - 10 per cent * 10,000,000 rubles - the contestant has to give a precise answer contained in a 10 per cent range If a participant gives a wrong answer, the money s/he has already won is divided by 10.
But in order not to end up with nothing, s/he has to possess at least 10,000 rubles. In May 2008, Vera premiered her new single called Ya Ne Igrayu (I Don't Play).
The second single Nirvana came out on 27 October.