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Way Down in Arkansas
track by
Hambone Willie Newbern
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Released On
Songsters & Saints, Volume 1: Vocal Traditions on Race Records
, Compilation
The Greatest Songsters: Complete Recorded Works in Chronological Order, 1927-1929
, Compilation
The Cornshucker's Frolic, Volume 1: Downhome Music and Entertainment From the American Countryside
, Compilation
Never Let the Same Bee Sting You Twice: Blues, Ballads, Rags and Gospel in the Songster Tradition
, Compilation
A Richer Tradition: Country Blues and String Band Music 1923-1942
, Compilation
More tracks by Hambone Willie Newbern
Roll and tumble blues
Hambone Willie Newbern
Way Down in Arkansas
Hambone Willie Newbern