Spell is a heavy metal band from Vancouver, British Columbia.
They started out life as Stryker (not to be confused with Striker, the other Canadian metal band who released records on Napalm Records), playing ‘80s-inspired and thrash-damaged metal, before they made the decision to change their moniker to better reflect the more oracular style that was evolving in splendid isolation in British Columbia. “I like the mysterious sort of mood that the name ‘Spell’ sets” explains Cam. “So much of this world is focused on elucidating, deciphering, explaining the world around us. That’s too analytical and pedantic for me. I believe there is just as much value in mystifying, shrouding, cyphering. The only real truth is one you arrive at yourself, so it won’t help if I tell you what to think. Take what you want from it. I’d like Spell to be a force in that direction.”